Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems in India's Northeastern Himalaya Region

Protection of Biodiversity
October-December | 2024

Project Updates

North East India Freshwater Collective (NEIFC) officially launched

The North East India Freshwater Collective (NEIFC) was officially launched on November 26, 2024, in Guwahati, at a landmark event that united key stakeholders from across the region. The launch highlighted the critical need for coordinated action in conserving Northeast India’s freshwater ecosystems and showcased the Collective’s ambitious vision and strategic objectives. Prominent speakers, including conservation leaders and regional experts, presented vision and strategy documents for the Collective and the region, which serve as foundational roadmaps for ecosystem restoration and knowledge-sharing efforts.

Fish Sanctuary Exchange Visit in Meghalaya

On the 11-13th November 2024: A team of seven village members of the Umkaber Biodiversity Management Committee situated in East Khasi Hills to Sohkha Community Fish Sanctuary located in Jaintia Hills District, a district famous for the numerous community managed fish sanctuaries. The visit was organized with the objective of equipping the Umkaber villagers with a deep understanding of the benefits of conserving aquatic lifeforms and its diversity and understanding the preparatory community mobilization required to establish fish sanctuaries in their own river. The visit served not only as a motivational exercise on witnessing the well-stocked fish sanctuary but provided a forum for exchange of ideas on regulations required for ensuring that such sanctuaries are well managed and monitored by each member of the community.