
NDC Transport Initiative for Asia On-going

Project Lead: Kuldeep Sharma
01 Nov 2019 to 28 Feb 2025

Rapid economic growth, together with a persistent trend towards urbanization and a rise of motorized transport are leading to an increase of traffic volumes in Asia. This leads to an increase of green...
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REDD+ Himalaya: Capacity Building for Using REDD+ to Conserve Natural Biodiverse Carbon Sinks in the Himalayas Completed

Project Lead: Kai Windhorst
01 Dec 2013 to 31 Dec 2020

The forestry authorities and the forest-using population in the Himalayan partner countries lack sufficient competence and practical experience to implement REDD+ (Reduction of Emissions from Deforest...
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The Asia Low Carbon Buildings Transition (ALCBT) On-going

15 Aug 2023 to 14 Aug 2028

Buildings and space cooling is the main driver for the growing future electricity demand and rising GHG emissions in Asia. The project addresses regulatory, capacity and financing gaps that prevent la...
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Urban-Act: Integrated Urban Climate Action for Low-Carbon & Resilient Cities On-going

Project Lead: Sebastian Markart
01 Apr 2022 to 30 Sep 2026

Urban-Act supports a transformation of urban development in China, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Thailand towards low-carbon & resilient development. It contributes to NDC implementation in cohere...
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