NDC Transport Initiative for Asia

01 Nov 2019 to 28 Feb 2025


Rapid economic growth, together with a persistent trend towards urbanization and a rise of motorized transport are leading to an increase of traffic volumes in Asia. This leads to an increase of greenhouse gas emissions and severe air pollution. The NDC Transport Initiative for Asia, a joint program of seven organizations, promotes an integrated approach to the decarbonisation of transport. In each partner country, the initiative is supporting stakeholder processes and the development of measures for climate change mitigation. As a result, the project helps its partners to make their sectoral contributions to increase their NDCs, and to take a more ambitious approach to long-term strategies and the 2025 NDCs. As a regional initiative, the project shares its knowledge throughout Asia and promotes regional discourse on the need for net zero carbon transport. At the global level, the program disseminates and exchanges insights within the UNFCCC process.

Project Partners Link
Agora Verkehrswende (AGORA)
International Transport Forum (ITF)
Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) Foundation
REN21 Secretariat (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century e.V.)
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
World Resources Institute (WRI)
Locations: Delhi, Karnataka (Bangalore), Goa, West Bengal (Kolkata)
Project Lead: Kuldeep Sharma
Project Link:   Click Here
Link to Project Site: https://www.ndctransportinitiativeforasia.org/india