REDD+ Himalaya: Capacity Building for Using REDD+ to Conserve Natural Biodiverse Carbon Sinks in the Himalayas

Completed     Regional
01 Dec 2013 to 31 Dec 2020


The forestry authorities and the forest-using population in the Himalayan partner countries lack sufficient competence and practical experience to implement REDD+ (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries). This is why the project prepares its partners for results-based REDD+ approaches and supports them in restoring and sustainably using biodiverse forest ecosystems. One priority is to support the national REDD+ coordination offices in the further development of national strategies. The project is also involving local forest users and indigenous communities to test REDD+, and developing cooperation with stakeholders in the voluntary certificate market and with other donors to finance compensation payments. The results are translated by the project into policy recommendations for action at national level, introduced into international climate negotiations and used in the consultation for the implementation of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) emission reduction treaty.

Project Lead: Kai Windhorst