Indo-German Support Project for Climate Action in India

Mitigation of Climate Change
October-December | 2024

Project Updates

Pre-COP 29 Briefing Note from India pubished

Key IKI-interface related project activities include publishing the Pre-COP 29 Briefing Note from India. It outlines India's climate commitments, progress and position on key discussions related to the COP in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Second IKI India Community Exchange

The project also hosted its second IKI India Community Exchange, bringing together participants from seven different IKI projects and partner organizations. In addition to announcements on updates from the IKI HQ and IKI India, as well as upcoming IKI India events, the exchange featured two project presentations and in-depth discussions on key topics. Participants explored eligibility criteria for the IKI Medium Grants 2024, strategies to enhance the IKI India website for better accessibility and resource sharing, updates on newsletter contribution guidelines, and ways to foster synergies for stronger communication within the IKI India community.

Participants at the 2nd IKI India Community Exchange

1st IKI India Thematic Workshop on mitigation

Additionally, the project hosted its 1st IKI India Thematic Workshop on mitigation, bringing together different IKI projects and partner organizations to foster a comprehensive understanding of India’s approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and discussing gaps, opportunities for action and scaling up solutions on the path to achieving a net-zero transition. Among other things, the workshop highlighted the need for enhanced financing mechanisms, sector-specific policy interventions, and stronger collaboration across energy, industry, transport, agriculture, and urban development to accelerate climate mitigation efforts.

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Participants at the 1nd IKI India Community Exchange on Mitigation

Workshops on Climate Co-Benefit Methodologies

The project organised 2 regional workshops with Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in collaboration with the Standing Conference of Public Sector Enterprises (SCOPE), to introduce PSEs to climate co-benefit methodologies for activities under the SUP ban and forestry and discuss the Draft Assessment Framework for these methodologies. The objective of these workshops is to integrate the inputs from PSEs and co-create these methodologies with them, to facilitate institutionalisation of these methodologies in the PSEs at a later stage. At the Western Regional Workshop, the “Advance Course on Climate Change and Climate Action” was launched. Designed  for Indian PSEs, the course provides in-depth lessons on climate change, -policy, and -action, setting up & financing mitigation projects, and sources and instruments of climate finance.

 Participants at the Western Regional Workshop for PSEs

 Participants at the Southern Regional Workshop for PSEs

Launch of Online Course on Climate Action for PSEs on the atingi e-learning platform



Knowledge Sharing Workshop in Delhi supported

The CAP project supported a knowledge sharing workshop in Delhi organised by IIT Delhi on 26th November to disseminate its ongoing research and commercial pilot work on Limestone Calcinated Clay Cement (LC3) – a low carbon cement. The workshop facilitated the exchange of research and pilot experiences of LC3 cement as well as exploring new processes and technologies like solar concentrator for cement clinker production to enhance resource efficiency and further reduce emissions in cement sector.

Stakeholder Workshop on Peatlands in India

Additionally, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) and Wetlands International South Asia (WISA) the project has made progress in inventorying and assessing peatlands across the country, supporting the implementation of the Amrit Dharohar scheme. Following a successful workshop in February 2024, potential peatland sites were identified. On 10 December 2024, a stakeholder workshop was held to discuss the assessment findings, including the extent, carbon stock results, and a peatland definition for India.