Support to Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved Areas and Territories (ICCAs)

Protection of Biodiversity
October-December | 2024

Project Updates

Community-based conservation and natural resource management in Northeast India has a long conservation history. Traditional knowledge and adaptation, with local expertise on biodiversity has played a significant role in sustenance of the communities. Over the past decade, the region has undergone significant long-term changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme temperature and rainfall events. The region is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts, due to socio-economic factors such as poor per capita income, limited crop insurance, lack of education infrastructure, poor participation in availing government schemes. It is vital to empower and build the capacity of vulnerable communities, especially the women and youth, and provide opportunities for implementing ecosystem-based solutions for conservation. Northeast Bio-cultural Conservation Initiative (NEBI) is one such initiative.

BIODIVERSITY: The initiative aligns with the CBD Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF) Target 1 (Plan and Manage all Areas to Reduce Biodiversity Loss), Target 2 (Restore 30% of all Degraded Ecosystems) and Target 3 (Conserve 30% of Land, Waters and Seas: OECMs), Target 21 (Ensure That Knowledge Is Available and Accessible to Guide Biodiversity Action). In supporting conservation approaches of local communities outside the Protected Areas contributing to Biodiversity Conservation. These results achieved are aligned with IKI focal area of ‘Protecting biodiversity: Implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework’.

SDG & NDC INTERLINKAGES: The project has supported local communities (316 farmers and 1065 households) and empowered providing livelihood opportunities through ecosystem-based activities that contribute to achieving SDGs, including food security, sustainable agriculture, economic growth, employment, and the protection of terrestrial ecosystems, forests, and biodiversity leading to inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION: The project included ecosystem restoration in five Northeast states (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland) across 8 landscapes, restoring 587.167 hectares with improved land use, soil management, sustainable agriculture, and biodiversity conservation. This contributes to India's NDC goal of creating an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030 through increased forest and tree cover.

The North-East India Bio-cultural Conservation Initiative (NEBI) project, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI), has concluded in December 2024. Some key achievements from the project are-

  • Local communities (316 farmers and 1065 households) empowered with livelihood opportunities through ecosystem-based activities such as value addition of locally produced food products, capacity building in managing livestock.
  • Supported income generating crop production system (more than Rs 2.5 lakhs generated) in the hill region as an alternative to shifting cultivation.
  • Eco-agricultural practices and natural zero chemical crop production systems promoted in 250 hectares of land with more than 400 families.
  • Three (3) Community seed banks developed for conservation of diverse indigenous climate resilient seed varieties to cope up with climate change variables for better food security and create indigenous food sovereignty.
  • Increase in area (587.167 hectares) and improved land use and soil management practices under sustainable agriculture practices and biodiversity conservation.
  • Over 1000 farm-based community people benefitted through increase in additional income.
  • Empowered women’s (26 SHGs) in project areas through their involvement in various capacity building and training programs to generate increased incomes.
  • Identification and documentation of medicinal herbs and plants along with the sustainable use, sustainable techniques for harvesting, quality control of medicinal plants.
  • Creation of Knowledge Products (audio-video documentation) of the local community-based conservation initiatives in the NEBI projects sites. The audio-visual material can be used for dissemination and outreach of conservation stories and best practices of the region at a national and global level for the community-led and based conservation initiatives which have made through the intersection of community engagement, science, indigenous knowledge, technology and government support.

Fish harvest in paddy cum pisciculture, Apatani Landscape, Arunachal Pradesh. Image: Shikha Srikant

Paddy cum Pisciculture, Apatani Landscape, Arunachal Pradesh. Image: Epil Rani Kongari

Medicinal herbs and plants nursery developed under the NEBI, Phalee, Manipur. Image: Rainforest Biodiversity of Phalee

Awareness program with youth on conservation of medicinal plants, Phalee, Manipur. Image: Rainforest Biodiversity of Phalee

Living Root Bridge, Pynursla, Meghalaya. Image: Biju Boro

Living Root Bridge Architectures, Pynursla, Meghalaya. Image: Biju Boro