Cultural Handloom Weaving Capacity Building of Women Group
The workshop held on 5th Nov 24 to 7th Nov 24 (Keoptara, Azara) focused on inculcating weaving skills in the women of Deepor Beel community to motivate them to build profits into their daily livelihoods. Modern weaving machines still require a lot of manpower and are too expensive to afford. Henceforth, the trainer initiated the demonstration of new designs with the help of a Dropwise system (Khirok, Nangal) which can be used as an alternative of the Jacquard machine.
Field Trip to Wular & Hokeser Lake (Jammu & Kashmir)
The Nature Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS), under its Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project (LLBCP), in collaboration with the Wular Conservation & Management Authority (WUCMA), Government of Jammu and Kashmir; organized a 3-day knowledge exchange field exposure visit to the Ramsar Sites, Wular & Hokersar Lakes in Jammu & Kashmir from November 5th 2024 to November 7th, 2024; aligning their main focus on Integrated Wetland Management Planning (IWMP). The knowledge exchange program was graced by the presence of various stakeholders ranging from six Divisional Forest Officers from Assam Forest Department, senior representatives from the Guwahati Municipal Conservation, Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority, Pollution Control Board of Assam, Water Resources Department, Assam and grassroots members from the Deepor Beel Community.
NEWS’ participation in the "Young Lake Managers Exchange Programme 2024"
NEWS’ participation in the "Young Lake Managers Exchange Programme 2024" organized by EMACE Foundation under the IKI - (LLBCP), Sri Lanka from 17th to 23rd December 2024 was punctuated with engrossing field visits to Diyasaru Wetlands and Beddagana Wetlands, enabling the participants to understand the ecological significance of these areas, explore the sustainable management practices and strategies for wetland restoration.
Group Dynamics training for women groups (SHGs)
A 2-Day training of Women Group (SHGs) on Group Dynamics, Bookkeeping and Financial Literacy was held at the EDC Hall, Mikirpara, Chakardo in Deepor Beel, Assam, on 26th-27th December 2024. The trainer introduced three efficient Bookkeeping techniques to the participants to calculate balances, manage accounting ledgers, monitor profits and maintain any other finance in SHGs.
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