Indo-German Support Project for Climate Action in India

Mitigation of Climate Change
July-September | 2024

Project Updates

IKI India Community Exchange

An IKI India Community exchange was held on July 18, 2024. Jointly hosted by the IKI India Interface Project, GIZ, and TERI. The exchange aimed to strengthen collaboration and knowledge exchange among IKI India projects.

Dr. Alexander Fisher was welcomed as the new head of the IKI India Interface Project, bringing 30 years of expertise in climate action and related topics. Key initiatives discussed included the updated IKI India website, the IKI India Discussion Forum, and regularly planned Community Calls designed to foster knowledge sharing and strengthen collaboration within IKI India.

TERI provided a demonstration of the updated website, which received positive feedback, with suggestions for adding additional functions. The meeting concluded with an interactive discussion on potential topics for future exchanges and suggestions on how the IKI Interface can better support IKI India projects.

Participants during the first Community call for the IKI India community, jointly hosted by the IKI India Interface Project, GIZ and TERI

Field Visit to Pune for identification of pilot sites in Maharashtra

As part of ongoing consultation with the state of Maharashtra on development and piloting of climate co-benefit (CCB) methodologies in the single use plastic ban policy and urban forestry sector under the Indo-German Support Project for Climate Action in India (CAP) project, GIZ team visited Pune Forest circle on July 18-19, 2024 and held meeting with Chief Conservator of Forests and other officials to identify the suitable urban forestry site developed under Nagar Van Yojana Scheme and explore available data for piloting the CCB methodology. The team also visited the three urban forestry sites in Pune region.

  A group of men sitting around a table

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GIZ team interacting with local forest officials

  A group of men standing next to a car

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  GIZ team visiting urban forestry site  in Pune

Consultations in Tamil Nadu State

GIZ team held a meeting with the officials of Government of Tamil Nadu under the chairpersonship of Principal Secretary, Environment, Forest and Climate Change to appraise them on the development and piloting of climate co-benefit methodologies in single use plastic policy ban policy under circular economy sector and urban forestry schemes, as part of CAP project on 7th August 2024. In the meeting, Tamil Nadu government identified the pilot locations and nodal departments for piloting the climate co-benefit methodologies. The meeting was organized by the Tamil Nadu Green Climate Company under the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

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Principal Secretary and other senior officials of line departments in the consultation meeting

Participation in the Workshop on Just Transitions

Dr. Alexander Fisher, Project Director and Mr. Arun Poojary, Climate Change Advisor participated in the workshop on “India, EU and Just Energy Transitions- Strengthening Climate Diplomacy for Sustainable Futures” on 29th – 30th August 2024 organised by Department of Geopolitics and International Relations (DGIR), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), India in Manipal, Karnataka. Experts from academia and civil society on Just transition and geo-political issues and students participated in the workshop. Hon’ble Bengt Bergt, Member of the German Bundestag, Hon’ble Jens Geier, Member of European Parliament and Mr. Uwe Gehlen, Head of Development Cooperation, Embassy of Germany, New Delhi also participated in the workshop. Dr. Philipp Behrens, Head of Division International Climate Initiatives (IKI), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Germany who joined virtually in the session on ‘EU's Global Agenda: Frameworks and Shared Principles with India for Climate Diplomacy and Energy Transitions’ highlighted the initiatives of Germany and EU in supporting global just transition and climate action. Dr. Alexander Fisher shared his perspectives on the avenues of international collaboration for charting India's Just Energy Transitions.

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Dr Philip Behrens sharing his insights on Germany and EU cooperation with India on climate change 

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Dr Alexander Fisher sharing his views in German cooperation in just energy transition  

Site Visit to Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)’s steel production plant in Bhilai

Indo-German Support Project for Climate Action in India’s team visited Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)’s steel production plant in Bhilai, central India. The project is undertaking a techno-commercial feasibility assessment to enhance resource efficiency and for the integration of green hydrogen in steel production. During the visit the project team and project partners from Grant Thorton Bharat met with the Director-in-Charge (DIC) of the Bhilai Steel Plant and all the heads of various operations departments (such as Material Recovery Department, Power, Blast Furnace operations etc.) of the plant. The key objective of the visit was to collect data on the existing operations of the plant which will be used for further analysis in the study.

CAP project team with the team from Gant Thorton Bharat at the Safety Excellence Centre inside SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant
  CAP project team outside the office of the Director- in-Charge(DIC) of SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant

Regional Workshops on the Role of Climate Co-Benefit Methodologies for Strengthening Climate Action by Indian Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs)

In July and September 2024, SCOPE and GIZ organised two regional workshops in New Delhi and Kolkata on the Role of Climate Co-Benefit Methodologies for Strengthening Climate Action by Indian Public Sector Enterprises. The workshop was facilitated by technical experts from Oxford Policy Management, the Council on Energy, Environment and Water and the Perspectives Climate Group. Together, with participants from various PSEs, the attendees explored the potential of measuring and accounting climate co-benefits in the focus areas single use plastics and forestry.

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  DG SCOPE addressing the PSE officials in the  northern regional workshop
  A group of people posing for a photo

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    PSEs from the Eastern Region