IKI Thematic Workshop on Adaptation

Project : Indo-German Support Project for Climate Action in India

GIZ IND & TERI | Sakya Hall, ITC Maurya Hotel, New Delhi

06 Mar 2025 to 06 Mar 2025


IKI India together with the CEEW (CEEW | Public Policy Think Tank in India | Council on Energy, Environment and Water) is organizing a workshop to build a cohesive understanding of India’s approach to climate adaptation across sectors. This workshop offers an opportunity to understand the country’s evolving adaptation needs and support community-based adaptation measures. While significant progress has been made, it is crucial to continually assess the challenges and gaps in key sectors to understand India’s adaptation efforts building long-term resilience.

Deputy Director General for International Policy Ms. Ilka Hirt and Policy Officer Ms. Sophia Engel from the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUV) will be a part of this workshop.

The workshop will bring together the variety of IKI implementation agencies in India, key implementation partners and climate adaptation experts/practitioners to facilitate the discussions on current adaptation strategies, identify opportunities for collaboration, and explore ways to scale up solutions that align with India’s climate goals.


India, with its diverse geography and socio-economic landscape, is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. From increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events to shifting agricultural patterns and water stress, the need for robust climate adaptation strategies is critical. Effective adaptation not only mitigates risks to lives and livelihoods but also strengthens resilience across sectors, contributing to national climate goals.

India’s National Adaptation Plan, the first national policy response of its kind is under preparation. The plan aims to reduce community vulnerabilities and build resilience at a national scale. It focuses on integrating climate adaptation into existing and upcoming policies, programs, and development strategies. While progress is being made, it is crucial to continually assess the challenges and gaps in key sectors to effectively bolster India’s adaptation efforts and build long-term resilience.

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) under the Federal Government of Germany prioritizes adaptation and resilience, focusing on national adaptation planning, community-based adaptation measures and Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to integrate climate adaptation with ecosystem protection to address the complex interplay of climate resilience and security to manage risks of escalating losses and damages.

This is an invite-only event for the IKI India community