Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems in India's Northeastern Himalaya Region

On-going     Bilateral
01 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2024


Population growth, increased usage intensity and climate change impacts are increasingly threatening aquatic habitats and their ecosystem services in India’s northeastern Himalayan region. The project is helping to ensure the retention and sustainable use of this region’s unique ecosystems, which form the basis for the livelihoods of millions of people. Capacity-building in the affected Indian administrative and research institutions, as well as local user groups, aims to provide the resources and skills needed for the participative development of protective and sustainable usage models for aquatic natural resources in selected sections of rivers in four states. These usage models are then tested in the context of pilot projects. The establishment of local and international networks promotes knowledge sharing and the dissemination of good practice. In addition, the project is setting up an excellence cluster that will also remain active once the project completes.
Locations: Assam (Guwahati), Meghalaya (Shillong), Nagaland (Kohima), Manipur (Imphal)
Project Lead: Patricia Dorn
Project Link:   Click Here
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