Supporting the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (NACAG)
CompletedGlobal 01 Nov 2016 to 30 Sep 2021
The project aims to support countries participating in the NACAG Initiative by means of a technical advisory and support unit (TBU) for planning and implementing specific measures for a sustainable reduction of N2O emissions. To this end, the project will also function as a global knowledge management and strategic networking platform. The transformative potential of the initiative is signification and could result in mitigation accounting to approx. 200 million t CO2-eq reductions by 2020. The project’s advice should enable its partners to improve legal and institutional framework conditions for continues N2O mitigation, which can provide an added value to international processes, such as implementing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). In addition, a mechanism for results-based financing of N2O mitigation will be designed.