Forests and Natural Carbon Sinks

IKI supports partner countries in particular in implementing the international mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD +) as well as projects to support the approach of forest and landscape restoration “FLR” as part of the Bonn Challenge. IKI focuses on the implementation of national REDD + and FLR strategies, especially within the framework of an implementation of the NDCs, and in particular on the support of sustainable business models and the mobilization of private investments. Synergies between forest protection and conservation of biological diversity play an important role here along with emissions reductions and adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

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REDD+ Himalaya: Capacity Building for Using REDD+ to Conserve Natural Biodiverse Carbon Sinks in the Himalayas Completed

Project Lead: Kai Windhorst
01 Dec 2013 to 31 Dec 2020

The forestry authorities and the forest-using population in the Himalayan partner countries lack sufficient competence and practical experience to implement REDD+ (Reduction of Emissions from Deforest...
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Restore Conserve and Protect Forest and Tree Cover for NDC Implementation in India (RECAP4NDC) On-going

Project Lead: Alejandro von Bertrab
11 May 2022 to 30 Apr 2029

Owing to socio-economic pressures, 43 percent of Indian forests are degraded. With 140 million hectares, the forest restoration potential is enormous. India is aiming at a national target for forest a...
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The Bonn Challenge Barometer of Progress On-going

01 Oct 2016 to 30 Jun 2024

Forests possess a great variety of species, serve as carbon sinks and fulfil many other functions that must be preserved. The Bonn Challenge is the most important international initiative for forest r...
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Utilising Landscape Scale Forest Ecosystem Rehabilitation as a Cost Effective Bridge for the Integrated Deployment of National Land-Based Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies Completed

Project Lead: Carole Saint Laurent
01 Nov 2015 to 31 Dec 2018

The rehabilitation of forest ecosystems – in an ecologically and socially compatible way and at a larger landscape scale – can provide a bridge while maximizing co-benefits for communities and bio...
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